Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007

so i am a toddler now.
I can walk really well, and can break my fall too ! smart eh ?
sometimes i cry just for fun and to get extra attention from my caregivers. Like the other day, mummy was paying up for a bag at the store. And the lovely SAs gave me a paper bag to run around with. I did. And promptly fell down. And cried ! Big fat tears running and rolling down my chubby cheeks. Everyone came to my rescue ! Checked me all over, covered me with kisses, and in 2 mins, i was A-OK ! Ha, got them.

In other news: we had a nice lovely brunch meet up with mummy's gorgeous friends. I call one Glam-Ma, and the other SA "jie jie"

In more news, mummy decided to get herself a lovely bday gift this year. She's crazy that one ... but i'm glad, cuz i get to inherit all these beautiful shoes and bags from her ! She says that she's so blessed to have a darling daughter like me who shares her interest in shoes and bags and clothes, and oh, everything !

it's been a while ...

yup, mummy feels guilty that she's not been updating much on this blog.

at 1YO 2 weeks, i am now a rather pretty baby. I am ! look at me :

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

how do i edit this pic ??

cuteness !!!

all grown up

ooo, cake !

hot and sweaty even before my party ...

awful weather these days issint ?

Friday, May 18, 2007

me and godpa

cute eh ?? god pa i mean ... am trying to get mummy to set him up. He's a nice guy - very good wif kids. anyone interested ??

hey rocker !

Monday, April 09, 2007

K is approaching 10 mths - how time flies...

The Sales Comm has managed to get 80% of owners to agree on the EnBloc.
This matter has progressed relatively fast - their first meeting on the project was held on the 2nd day after k's birth !! I still remember being in hospital, not able to go, and dad going on my behalf ! ahahaa. the other owners all thought that dad was the primary owner instead of Kit.

Oh well, part of me is glad that our mortage will be paid off with the sale proceeds. But the other part is worried that we wont be able to afford a place in the same location at the current skyrocketing prices ! It's really scary how ppty prices have been climbing northwards !!

Kit thinks we sld get a nice smallish corner terrace/ smaller semi-D, which is condusive to bring up our kid(s).
I'm all for this too, but am not sure which area we can afford to get a house in.

Oh well, in other (baby) news, K can now stand unaided for 5 seconds !
*clap clap* She will balance herself in her cot, while holding on to the handrail, and slowly let go, wobble a bit, and grab the handrail when she feels that she's unstable. How smart is this baby !!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

work - lunch

I had lunch with Ms Tall today.
I’m beginning to like this gal – not that I didn’t like her any less before today’s lunch, but I’m liking her more. She’s like a sister I never had. (I do have a sister, but def not as fun and trendy as Ms Tall!!) she’s so easy going, fun to talk to, and best of all, she loves eating !!! wow ! I’ve very seldom met anyone who can eat as much as ME ! and she still manages to maintain her slender figure.
Anyhows, I’m going to be saddled with loads of work this afternoon … I dread doing work for TJ, cuz it’s just soooo draining … check with xxx, check with yyy, check with zzz, and in the end, there’s still no end in sight ?!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007